19th IFIP World Computer Congress 2006 - Education

Imagining the future for ICT and Education

26th-30th June 2006 in Ålesund, Norway. An International Working Conference of IFIP WG 3.1, 3.3, 3.5



Ruhaipari és Iparművészeti Szakképző Iskola,
Békéscsaba, Lencsési út 140.

INFO Savaria

Megyei Művelődési és Ifjúsági Központ (MMIK), Szombathely, Ady tér 5.

Learning for the 21st century: What really matters?

27 June - 3 July 2004. Hungary - Budapest . An international workshop of IFIP WG 3.5 (http://learningfor21century.ini.hu/)

Eurologo Conference

EUROLOGO is a biannual conference which focuses on educational applications of Logo and other exploratory computer tools used in the classroom at all age-levels of education.
The next Conference (Eurologo 2003 - http://www.eurologo.org/eurologo2003/) is coming in Porto